Carrillo Construction’s Six-Figure Refund
What would your company do with an extra six-figure check? Host a party for employees, invest in state-of-the-art equipment, provide team bonuses? For many companies participating in the GRIP program, this dreamy thought experiment is a reality.
Each year since GRIP began, participants have received refunds on their Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) premiums. In fact, in 2021, a total of $19 million were distributed in refunds! In total, GRIP members have received more than $100 million in L&I workers’ compensation premium refunds since the program’s inception in 2010.
While a refund isn’t guaranteed (if the group’s Retro premium is higher than the standard premium already paid), thanks to the overall safety of GRIP’s pool of participants, there has always been a refund of at least 15%, with 32.6% being the average.
Carrillo Construction is one of those companies living the reality of earning a six-figure GRIP refund check on an annual basis. Offering full drywall services for multifamily projects like apartments, nursing homes, and hotels, they have been a GRIP member since 2015.
“Just last year, we got a six-figure refund, and that has been a really big impact on our company.”
Since joining, Carrillo Construction’s claims and accident reports have dropped, with their workers’ comp rates dropping by 40% accordingly. This improvement in their safety program is thanks in part to the safety information and resources provided by GRIP.
Another major benefit Carrillo Construction receives is, of course, the yearly refund. “As the years go by, we are getting bigger and better refunds,” said Wendy Castaneda, safety coordinator at Carrillo Construction. “Just last year, we got a six-figure refund, and that has been a really big impact on our company.”
Carrillo Construction used their most recent six-figure refund to purchase safety materials, new equipment, office supplies, and more, all with the aim of improving the company and its workers.
Wendy is grateful for the benefits that Carrillo Construction gets from participating in GRIP. “I would recommend GRIP to every construction company out there.”
To hear it straight from Wendy, check out the video below.