Blackwood Builders Give Back
What could a four, five, or six-figure check do for your business?
For Blackwood Builders Group, a Seattle based construction company, this pipe-dream is an annual reality as GRIP members receive refunds on their Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) premiums. From the program’s inception in 2010, GRIP members have received over $100 million in L&I refunds.
That’s more than a six-figure check – it’s millions saved and hundreds of lives changed.
“I wish we would’ve joined when I had my first employee,” said Trevor Johnson, Co-founder and CEO of Blackwood Builders Group. “We were just leaving money on the table.”
And for Blackwood, Big checks also come with big benefits—Summer parties, Sounders games, and private events. This year? Bonuses for the entire workforce. Trevor recognizes his employees are the biggest direct impact on his premiums, and GRIP helps give his business the tools he needs to keep them safe.
So if something goes wrong? Trevor’s business is still covered. This is in part thanks to GRIP’s partnership with ERNwest as manager of the retro program; if an accident occurs there’s resources to keep employees on salary, navigate tricky labor laws, and return them to the workplace safely and efficiently.
“It’s like having a bigger HR team; the partnership is incredible.”
“It’s like having a bigger HR team; the partnership is incredible.”
While GRIP gives your business more tools, it can also give you the capital needed to invest in your people and your bottom line. “We can use (this money) for the growth of our team and organization.” And the longer you’re a GRIP member, the bigger your refund can grow.
Blackwood’s refund grew from four to five figures, and as they get bigger—it will eventually be six.
GRIP is a great example of the good that happens when companies pay it forward, support each other, and succeed together. But as a proud member of GRIP and the Master Builders of King and Snohomish Counties, hear it from Trevor himself below.